Nebraska Sublease Agreement Template

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The Nebraska sublease agreement is to be used by a tenant that wishes to find another person to rent either a portion or the entire premises that they currently lease. Generally, the landlord must be notified of the sublease since most master lease agreements prohibit the act of subletting without the consent of the landlord. The sublessor, or original tenant, should keep in mind that they will be legally responsible for all aspects of the sublessee’s actions; the sublessor will be held accountable if the sublessee fails to pay rent, damages the property, or if an eviction is needed. To reduce the chances of these issues, the sublessor should have the new tenant complete a rental application to have their background thoroughly checked.

  • The Landlord-Tenant Handbook should be referenced if either party seeks assistance in understanding their rights.
  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – The sublessor will have to verify if the structure was built before 1978. If so, this form must be attached to the sublease and authorized by the sublessee.

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